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Family and Domestic Violence

We are here to support you.

Domestic and family violence can have a serious and detrimental effect on a person’s physical and emotional health, as well as their financial wellbeing. Family violence can happen to anyone and include a range of abuse and threatening, coercive or other behaviour that controls and dominates one family member.

Important note: If you are at immediate risk, call emergency services on 000 now. For crisis support or to speak to someone about your options, call 1800 737 732 (that’s 1800 RESPECT).

How we can help you

  • Our customer support representatives have received specialised training to help customers experiencing family and domestic violence or are in vulnerable situations.
  • If you are affected or impacted by family or domestic violence, we can support you with options related to moving house, changing your account, managing your electricity bills – and accessing the support and resources that you need, as well as considering reducing or waiving any fees, charges or debt that would otherwise be payable by you.
  • We can provide support with your energy account, such as increasing security or helping to update your passwords or other information.
  • We can give you help with managing bill payments and accessing payment support.
  • We can provide a dedicated team for ongoing support with your energy account so you do not need to repeatedly refer to, or disclose, your situation when you contact us.
  • If you are not the account holder but an authorised authority on another person’s account, we will give you information about how we can protect your information if you ask us to, as well as explaining what information would need to be disclosed to the account holder.
  • We will take reasonable steps to establish a safe method of communication with you and use reasonable efforts to share information with you using that safe method of communication.
  • We will consider the potential impact of debt collection on you in relation to bills you are required to pay and will take into account your circumstances before disconnecting your premises for failure to pay a bill, noting that we will not disconnect you for a period 9 months after we become aware that you or someone named on your account is affected by family violence.

For our further information please view our Family Violence Policy.

We are here to help, so please call us.